Author Archives: Doug

Gigantic Floating Eyeballs, Part 3

My first mechanical Halloween project was made out of PVC pipe. PVC is strong and easy to assemble because it can be glued together and there are ready-made elbows available that make angles easy.

There is a drawback to using pipe: It’s round. Inevitably you need to attach something flat to it. A flat surface screwed to a curved surface will wobble and wobbling is bad.

This brings us to the question, “How does one mount two large round surfaces to the end of a pole?” Well… like this:

I wish I could tell you that this was the result of years of experience in mechanical design or, better yet, computer aided design (as a throwback to ’90’s car commercials). The reality is that I started by attaching one piece of aluminum and it wobbled. So I attached another piece and it got stiffer. A dozen pieces later we have a nice rigid frame that can be attached to the end of a pole.

So, we’re done, right? No.

Remember the aforementioned mirror at the other end of the pole? The mirror assembly weighs about 15 lbs. The screens also weigh about 15 lbs. When you put one of each at the end of a 6 foot pole…?

That’s right. The pole twists. Especially if the pole is made out of aluminum. When the mirror moves the screen does not move with it. I’m screwed.

There are many solutions to this problem, most of which I have not the time or money to implement. What I do have is aircraft cable. The structure will either submit or destroy itself. Start the betting now.

Gigantic Floating Eyeballs, Part 2

When the people in Maine told me the acrylic domes had shipped, they left out two important details: They were made in Canada and were being shipped to Maine not from Maine. Yes, the people in Maine outsourced their acrylic forming. This apparently leaves Maine with potatoes and tourism as their only economic engines.

When will I receive them? Soon, they say. Being more specific might somehow break the Ch’i.

I can’t blame all my problems on Canada as so many have tried. It turns out that the minimum distance needed to focus the video projector is about 10 feet. The roof on which this sitting is only 8 feet deep. That would be two feet too long.

Before I describe the solution, please allow me to stress the importance of testing the viability of your ideas, especially things designed on the back of a napkin or, in this case, the back of a bar napkin.

I could have checked the focal length at any time in the last four months, but I assumed that because the projector’s specifications said “5 feet” that meant “5 feet the way you are using it.” You really can’t assume anything… except for an incredulous look  from your wife when you suggest a run down to Staples to drop $1200 on a new projector.

The solution: A Mirror

I’ll be the first to acknowledge that this is not the most elegant solution. The mirror needs to be 32 inches wide. That’s a lot of weight to be torquing around on the end of a six foot pole. I thought of (and had it suggested to me that) changing the optics of the projector would be the most straightforward approach.

The projector, I must say, is a marvel of mechanical design. To take it apart and, more to the point, to put it back together seemed like an insurmountable task. The mirror I can have cut locally for $28 plus a couple hours of my time to mount it. Bada bing!

So, a change in the design will be needed: The mirror-end of the assembly will no longer move. It will pivot, but it will not move horizontally or vertically. That will simplify the lift system to include two pneumatic cylinders rather than three. The eyes will more right, left, and look up. They will not be able to peer down over the edge. Easier, but less impressive.

Coming up: Assembly.

Gigantic Floating Eyeballs, Part 1

I am faced with a big pile of stuff:

Anyone who has tried to build gigantic floating eyeballs before will look at this picture and point out that there are no eyeballs shown. A true and unfortunate statement.

As in past years, I start off in a state of panic. The manufacturer of the 24 inch acrylic hemispheres had a layoff and my order is delayed. I know of another source, but I feel bad for the poor people in Maine who make the formed acrylic. If I don’t buy acrylic domes from them, who will? The economy of Maine depends on me. I’ll give them until Monday.

The good news is that there are enough parts to start building the lift mechanism (the floating aspect). Ruth is working on the video of the eyes that will be rear-projected through the two acrylic screens (the gigantic part).

So there you have it: three pneumatic cylinders will lift a video projector and two screens that will show the image of eyeballs. It’s a simple, foolproof idea that will assuredly be done in 21 days.